Sunday, September 27, 2009


If I have wings
I'll be one of the Kings
To lead my nation,
To puff her heart with passion.

If I as angels had a wing
'Course would soar I up and sing
A song of joy and hope and gay
and wipe womens' tears away.

If I too had a wing to fly
like a bird and butterfly,
Would  go, beseech and bring the clouds
To shower upon the crying crowds.

May every Indian have a wing
And be a mighty, puissant King!

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So lovely in the pots so clean
With the lofty leaves green
Dads, mums, olds and kids
Having hugs and jigs.

The 'hearty' looking fleshy leaves
With their friendly leaves
Looking eagerly to the east
for another gentle breeze.

The calm and reddish beautiful buds
Peeping from their sleepy moods
To look into this joyous sphere
To make those who love them cheer.

The pinks, whites, yellows and reds
Bloom from the hiding buds,
Make everyone sing song
With their fanciful unicorns.

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My proud Pop's a pumpkin plant
I'm his heir - a sunny sapling:
A pretty plant, never unlagging
With many a strong switched hand.

Above me hung a big bumb pump
Of which my Pop was proud 
Ever likely to be dropped
Planning to make on me a bad hump.

My friend was a pretty plant pansy
full of zoomed blue stars;
My fate merely to be with warts
And I was eaten up with envy.

Slowly, slowly I crept and crept
Though many a brown heap
Twixt two loving daffodil mates
To weave me tendrils on the Web.

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I do have in memory
My eventful life’s history
With future as a mystery
And the present to be a memory.

I do have many a thing
In my own world of memory
Last night’s dream, today’s being,
Tomorrow’s life with no worry.

Seldom do I forget things
But don’t I blame memory
Since the fault is not of its
But lucklessness for victory.

My memory helps me blossom,
Win a bet and a game
And earn a lot of fame
With not a little shame.

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The clear blue sky
Was peered clouds by
And the sky bright in blue
Turned black in hue.

The clouds grew heavy
More beautiful and fluffy
Hidden behind 'em was Sun
And dark turned the dawn.

Stealthly fell those pitter- patter drops
Frogs busy with croaks and hopps
Peacock floating in her pride of dance-
The Monsoon was in his advance.

Earth was happy: none did vail;
Butterflies and birds in boo see;
What would I love is to see
My pretty paper boats on sail.

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O moon, yon you be like
Fragrance to rose, life of earth
To tint me sweet when I be like
A snoring bear in my supercilious slumber.

On earth thy gentle but azure gaze
As a moor lull’d by a mild breeze;
As seldom sleep I in new moon days
Though am when thou art full, admiring thee.

Pouncing prankish predators and prey
Like beams of light in dusk of dark,
For they’ve hope that thou be may
To guide ‘em when found lost in dark.

O moon!deserves thine humility an ode;
May I be humble, my heart thy abode.

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Saturday, September 26, 2009


Heart is a home 
Where a family of feelings live
Father being courage
And mother being love.
Both of them ooze out
Many a thing important-
Wisdom, bravery and courage
From the nerves of the Dad;
Love, affection and calmness
From the laps and bottom
Of the heart of the mother.
The tiny tots are joy and glee-
Two matrimony products
Who give hue to the family
And bloom and gloom and blossom.
The devoted and dedicated walls
Of the holy heart
Give them  reck for success.
And the rhythm of the home
Is heard aloud due to
The hard work of the two
To motivate their kids' blood
To consider equally
The ups and downs or
Good and bad which
Become burden in a flowing life.

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I and my brother
Fight each other
With the toys of the other
in a great terror.
The house does shiver
But we never bother
Our fight goes blither
With the loving own brother.
Then comes our mother
with a great big anger.
She puts twixt us a border
Scolds us like a teacher
And gives each a nice Cracker!

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So greedy for the earthly toys
Demanding all the worldly joys
I see men pursuing their foes
O, earning all Almighty's woes!

Now 'tis time for men must pray:
"Forgive us, we went far astray,
From the divine path of life to ye
Drawn along by worldly gay."

No meaning doth have sush life
Lived to find a husband or wife,
Just to speak nothing but lie,
Or to amass all wealth and die.

Why not try choose a different way
To the Heavenly Eternal World away?
Thy mind be superior next to  soul
To lead thy body until the Goal.

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I challenge beauty's omnipresence
with the beautiful essence
of my new sense
of its partial presence.

Nothing has beauty both inside
and outside
for twixt them is difference,
both strict supplements.

A funny proof for my law is a wit:
A white hare puts a black shit,
O, but a crow's, look up, is a white bit!

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