Sunday, September 27, 2009


O moon, yon you be like
Fragrance to rose, life of earth
To tint me sweet when I be like
A snoring bear in my supercilious slumber.

On earth thy gentle but azure gaze
As a moor lull’d by a mild breeze;
As seldom sleep I in new moon days
Though am when thou art full, admiring thee.

Pouncing prankish predators and prey
Like beams of light in dusk of dark,
For they’ve hope that thou be may
To guide ‘em when found lost in dark.

O moon!deserves thine humility an ode;
May I be humble, my heart thy abode.

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1 comment:

  1. Dear Sreenath
    Crave to continue to be CREATIVE.
    Good Luck.


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